UPI Commands
The following list contains commands which are general commands like global solver settings etc.
Request | Arguments | Response format | Description | Possible errors |
is_ready | n/a | is_ready ok! | useful for checking if solver is initialized | |
exit | n/a | n/a | kills solver's process | |
set_end_string | string | set_end_string ok! | sets the string that should terminate every solver response | |
reset_end_string | n/a | reset_end_string ok! | clears end string setting | |
show_version | n/a | number or text | human-readable program version | |
show_build_version | n/a | number or text | build version | |
show_hand_order | n/a | List poker hands. E.g. “AcAd AdAh AdAs ...” | This command always returns all 1326 hands in the same order. Other commands return 1326 numbers representing e.g. frequency of hands in a certain spot in this order. Format: 1326 hands separated by “ “: “2d2c 2h2c 2h2d …” | |
show_preflop_order | n/a | List of 169 preflop categories | As used for calc_eq_preflop | |
show_settings | n/a | many lines with name: value pairs | some global solver settings | |
bench | n/a | Time taken: float | builds a tree about 2.7GB big, runs 6 full iterations on it; returns running time for those (but not time taken to build/free the tree). Shoud take 2s on a good modern CPU. | |
load_script | filename | load_script ok! | reads commands from file; line after line and executes them as if they were inserted on stdin; after reaching EOF goes back to receiving input from stdin. WARNING: it's not recommended to run this command from another program. Use load_script_silent or manually execute commands one after another. | |
load_script_silent | filename | load_script_silent ok! | version of load_script that acts as a single command returns only one END string at the end. |
The following are the commands related to running / solving the tree.
Request | Arguments | Response format | Description | Possible errors |
go | [n seconds | steps] | go ok! Solver will emit: SOLVER: started once running | optional argument runs solver for n seconds or steps; if omitted solver will run indefinitely (unless accuracy is set and reached) Returs immediately (it's a non-blocking operation) | |
stop | n/a | go ok! Solver will emit: SOLVER: started once running | stop signal and waits for solver to stop (SOLVER: stopped) and then issues stop ok! Can take considerable amount of time on large trees. | |
wait_for_solver | n/a | wait_for_solver ok! | waits until solver stops before reading rest ofthe commands from stdin. Useful for scripts if one wants to solve multiple trees (or solve and save for example) | |
take_a_break | int | take_a_break ok! | stops the solver (if it’s running) and waits n seconds before going back to reading the input | |
solver_time | n/a | a float | The time since the current solver instance started in seconds | |
set_threads | int | set_threads ok! | sets number of threads used by solver and all functions requaring tree traversal (like show_range, calc_ev etc.) | |
set_info_freq | int | set_info_freq ok! | sets how often solver info is released (defeault is every 25 steps) | |
set_accuracy | float [chips | fraction] | set_accuracy ok! | accuracy at which solver stops. default is 0 (never). If optional argument is provided the value is treated either asabsolute value (chips) or fraction of the pot (fraction). “chips” is the default. | |
set_recalc_accuracy | float float float | set_recalc_accuracy ok! | sets accuracy for flop/turn/river recalculations (which occur when calling solve_partial or browsing incomplete tree or browsing a tree with auto_recalc on. | |
set_always_recalc | street timeout | set_always_recalc ok! | Enables automatic recalculation of nodes. First argument is street (3 for Flop etc., 4 Turn, 5 River). The second argument is timeout in miliseconds. If street is set to 0 then the feature is disabled. When the feature is enabled then solver will always recalculate specified streets to recalc_accuracy or specified time limit (whichever is reached first)Example: set_always_recalc 4 5000 will always recalculate turn branches when visiting turn / river nodes. | |
set_isomorphism | int int | set_isomorphism ok! | 1st argument isomorhism on/off for flop trees 2nd argument isomorphism on/off for turn trees the default is on on the flop off on the turn | |
change_step | float | change_step ok! | Change solving step parameter (the higher the more aggresive changes solver will make). | |
show_step | n/a | float | returns current value of step parameter. | |
show_iters | n/a | int | shows the number of solving iterations performed on the current tree. | |
set_first_iteration_player | OOP | IP | set_first_iteration_player ok! | Setting determines during a full iteration if OOP or IP does strategy adjustment first. |
Commands related to building the tree.
Building a postflop tree consists of
- setting global state first (range, stacks, board)
- adding betting lines
- executing
Building a preflop tree consists of
- setting global state first (ranges, stacks)
- adding preflop betting lines
- building pure preflop tree
- setting postflop trees and adding them to postflop exits
- specifying flops subset
- building full preflop tree by executing
Postflop tree building
Request | Arguments | Response format | Description | Possible errors |
set_range | OOP | IP 1326 floats | set_range ok! | sets range for IP/OOP in global state |
set_eff_stack | int | Set_eff_stack ok! | Sets effective stack in a global state. This is used in tree building to recognize which nodes are allin nodes and which aren’t. | |
set_board | cards (e.g. AcKdJc) | set_board ok! | sets board in a global state | |
set_pot | int int int | set_pot ok! | Sets starting pot (oop, ip, dead) | |
add_line | series of numbers representing bet sizes (cumulative) | add_line ok! | 0 30 30 30 90 represents a check OOP, bet IP, a call, a check on the turn and a bet of 60 (90 total invested). See more examples in sample scripts. | |
remove_line | series of numbers representing a line to remove | remove_line ok! | remove_line uses the same syntax as add_line. It’s possible to remove calls and folds as well: 0 30 0 removes a fold for OOP player in response to cbet | |
force_line | series of numbers representing bet sizes | force_line ok! | removes all the lines which don’t lead to the one being forced (so any line of which forced line isn’t a prefix of) | |
clear_lines | n/a | clear_lines ok! | resets the state created by add_line, remove_line and force_line | |
build_tree | [mem_pessimistic | mem_ignore] | build_tree ok! | build a tree based on a config created by global state and calling add_line and remove_line. Optional argument specifies the behavior in context of memory estimation. mem_ignore - no memory check should be performed default (no argument) - The tree will only be build if there is enough free memory to build it. mem_pessimistic - The tree will only be build if there is enough free memory to build a tree on an unpairded rainbow board. |
Preflop tree building
Request | Arguments | Response format | Description | Possible errors |
add_preflop_line | Series of numbers representing bet sizes (cumulative) | Add_preflop_line ok! | Identical as add_line but builds a pure preflop tree (one street) | |
remove_preflop_line | Series of numbers representing a line to remove | remove_preflop_line ok! | Same as remove_line but for preflop | |
clear_preflop_lines | n/a | Clear_preflop_lines ok! | Clears preflop tree structure created by add_preflop_line | |
build_preflop_tree | n/a | Build_preflop_tree ok! | Builds a pure preflop tree using a descriptioin as defined by add_preflop_line’s commands. | |
add_to_subset | float card card card | Add_to_subset ok! | Adds a specified board with specified weight to a flop subset. That subset can be then used to build a full preflop tree with selected flops | |
reset_subset | n/a | Reset_subset ok! | Clears the current flop subset | |
show_subset | n/a | (multiline) weight1 board1 weight2 board2 …. | Prints current flops with weights from the flop subset. | |
recover_subset | n/a | recover_subset ok! | if preflop tree is loaded then it replaces current flop subset with the subset from this tree. | |
add_schematic_tree | nodeID | add_schematic_tree ok! | Attaches a postflop abstraction to a chosen preflop exit. NodeID must point to a SPLIT_NODE which is a valid preflop exit.Current schematic tree (one created by add_line commands) is attached. The way to use this command is to build a postflop tree with add_line commands,attach it to a chosen preflop exit; reset it, build another postflop tree,attach it to another preflop exit etc. | |
add_all_flops | n/a | add_all_flops ok! | Uses flops in a current flop subset to build a full preflop tree. |
Additional tree building settings
Request | Arguments | Response format | Description | Possible errors |
list_algorithms | n/a | n lines with 3 comma separated values code, name, description | example line: original_pio,Original PioSolver,Original PioSolver algorithm that uses less memory | |
set_algorithm | algorithm_code | set_algorithm ok! | Sets one of the available algorithms. Algorithm is a property of a tree. It's decided at the moment of building a tree(not solving) and can't be changed afterwards. Possible values: auto , pio_cfr , original_pio | |
ignore_mem_check | on | off | ignore_mem_check ok! | if set to "on" then the memory check will not be performed before building a tree. | |
small_strats | on | off | small_strats ok! | The setting controls if float32 or float16 should be used to hold strategies. Possible values: on : use float16off : use float32auto : use float16 for preflop trees and float 32 for other. | |
estimate_tree | n/a | human readable estimate | Estiamtes preflop tree with current subset | |
estimate_schematic_tree | n/a | human readable estimate | Estiamtes postflop tree with different algorithms | |
show_memory | n/a | Total Physical Memory: 65214 MB Available Phys Memory: 45093 MB | information about available memory in the system |
Traversing the tree / strategies / etc
Request | Arguments | Response format | Description | Possible errors |
is_tree_present | n/a | true | false | returns true if a tree the solver is operating on exists | |
show_node | nodeID | (multiline) nodeID NODE_TYPE board pot children_no flags: f1 … f2 | the number of flags can vary from 0 to 64 they are separated by space | |
show_children | nodeID | (multiline) child 0: …. ….. child 1: …. … | are in the same format as show_node | |
show_effective_stack | n\a | int | shows the effective starting stack of the current tree | |
show_range | OOP | IP [nodeID] | 1326 floats | range in given node dead hands have weight 0.If only one argument is given then IP/OOPrange from solver state is shown (the one set by set_range) | |
show_strategy | nodeID | (multiline) 1326 floats 1326 floats …. | n'th line represents frequency of n’th action with i’th hand | Error if nodeID doesn’t represent decision node |
show_strategy_pp | nodeID | human readable sorted (by equity vs ALL) output | Error if nodeID doesn’t represent decision node | |
calc_ev | OOP | IP nodeID | (2 lines) 1326 floats 1326 floats | EV of a given player in a given node for all hands. Numbers in the first line are EV, in the second are matchups. | |
calc_ev_pp | OOP | IP nodeID | wins / matchups in human readable format | EV of a given player in a given node for all hands. Numbers in the first line are EV, in the second are matchups. | |
calc_eq | OOP | IP | (2 lines) 1326 floats 1326 floats | eq in the first line, matchups in 2nd board/ranges taken from solver state (set_range, set_board to set) | |
calc_eq_pp | OOP | IP | in human readable form | ||
calc_eq_node | OOP | IP nodeID | (3 lines) 1326 floats 1326 floats 1 float | calculate equity for given player assuming ranges in given node Output format: 1st line: equities 2nd line: matchups 3rd line: total | |
calc_eq_preflop | OOP | IP | ( 3lines) 169 floats 169 floats 1 float | Calculates preflop equity from IP/OOP range as set by set_range command. It assumes weights for isomorphic (7s6s = 7h6h) combos is the same. The results are unpredictable/incorrect if that’s not the case. Output format: 1st line: equities 2nd line: matchups 3rd line: total | |
calc_results | n/a | (multiline) running time: float EV OOP: float EV IP: float OOP’s MES: float IP’s MES: float exploitable for: float | calculates EV’s/MES’es in root and prints the whole info | |
calc_matchups_line | nodeID | float | The total number of matchups in given line. (can be used to calculate relative probability of different lines) | |
calc_line_freq | nodeID | float | Absolute probabality of reaching certain line. | |
calc_global_freq | nodeID | float | Absolute probabality of reaching certain node (assuming the node's runout has been selected). | |
show_all_lines | n/a | (multiline) All lines | Lists all lines in the tree. | |
show_all_freqs | global | local [pp] | (multiline) All lines with corresponsing frequencies | Lists all lines in the tree with corresponding frequncies either local (probability of takinglast action) or global (probability of this line being played); optional argument pp (prettyprint) makes the output easier to read for a human | |
show_win_evs | IP | OOP nodeId | 3 numbers | This command can be used to see the ICM structure of a tree. NodeID must denote a final node (either fold, allin or last node on the River) The result numbers tell what will be the EV of a given player in this node in case he wins / loss / tie. For non-ICM trees the OOP and IP values are always the same. For fold nodes three numbers are always identical. Example values wihtout ICM: show_win_evs OOP r:0:b99:b200:c 380 -200 90 show_win_evs IP r:0:b99:b200:c 380 -200 90 Example values from the same tree after adding some ICM structure: show_win_evs OOP r:0:b99:b200:c 29.2733116 -20.3105125 7.67309189 show_win_evs IP r:0:b99:b200:c 32.3092041 -25.1925144 8.78540993 |
Tree Information
Request | Arguments | Response format | Description | Possible errors |
add_info_line | text | add_info_line ok! | adds a line to tree information. | |
reset_tree_info | n/a | reset_tree_info ok! | clears tree information. | |
show_tree_info | n/a | (multiline) | shows all lines either added by add_info_line or loaded from the tree. |
Operating on small / partial trees
Request | Arguments | Response format | Description | Possible errors |
rebuild_forgotten_streets | n/a | rebuild_forgotten_streets ok! | rebuilds all turns/rivers if this is a small tree. It's possible to resume solving after that | |
estimate_rebuild_forgotten_streets | n/a | One line e.g: Rebuild tree. Memory needed: 50519 MB; available: 47930 MB | Memory needed to rebuild current tree and available memory. | |
solve_partial | nodeID | solve_partial ok! | solve a tree from given node to accuracy set by set_accuracy | |
solve_all_splits | turns | rivers | solve_all_splits ok! | solve all parts of the tree from either turn or river (e.g. after rebuilding forgotten streets of a small save). Solves to accuracy set by set_recalc_accuracy (it may take a long time) | |
explo_partial | nodeID | float | returns exploitability for a subtree strating from given node |
Additional commands
Request | Arguments | Response format | Description | Possible errors |
stdoutredi | filename | - | redirects stdout to file | |
stdoutredi_append | filename | - | redirects stdout to file but appends it instead of overwriting | |
stdoutback | n/a | stdoutback ok! | standard output back to console (might be useful when using text interface, not for GUI) | |
print_all_strats | n/a | many lines - each line has either nodeID or 1326 numbers | prints nodeID for all nodes in the tree and additionaly strategies for decision nodes. | |
node_count | n/a | many lines counting different types of nodes e.g. H_DEC: 339 FLOP 0 TURN 3 RIVER 336 | for each type of node (H_DEC, V_DEC, SPLIT, END, ROOT) prints how many nodes of this kind are in the tree on each street. | |
clear_cache | n/a | clear_cache ok! | clears cached results in the tree | |
show_cpu_info | n/a | e.g. number of CPUs: 16 max threads: 16 thread limit is: 2147483647 affinity policy is: 0 | Some information about CPU | |
show_nuts | OOP | IP board | one line per live hand hand - number | show how many combos in villain range are winning against given hadn (0 for nuts) |
Range Explorer
Request | Arguments | Response format | Description | Possible errors |
show_category_names | n\a | 2 lines: hand strength categories draw categories | Shows names of hand/draws categories which are then used for range analysis. E.g. nothing king_high ace_high (...) top_fullhouse quads straight_flush no_draw 4out_straight_draw 8out_straight_draw flush_draw combo_draw | |
show_categories | board | 2 lines: 1326 ints 1326 ints | In the first line the are made hand category assignments for each combo and in the second line are draw category assignments for each combo. Number 0 in the first line denotes nothing , number 1 denotes king_high etc. In the second line number 0 denotes no_draw , etc. | |
show_cats | board | 6 lines: 1326 ints each | 1st line: hand eval (the higher number the stronger made hand) 2nd line: category (as in 1st line of show_categories) 3rd line: total number of draw outs 4th line: number str8 draw outs 5th line: number of flush draw outs 6th line: number of fullhouse draw outs | |
show_cats_pp | board | many lines | same as show_cats but in human readable format | |
echo | some text | some text | prints back the first argument | |
repeat | int some text | some text some text | prints back some text specified number of times (can be useful to test i/o throughput) |
Displayed suits change
Request | Arguments | Response format | Description |
set_display_iso | [sh sd sc hd hc dc] | set_display_iso ok! | swaps the colors of suits in the tree for presentation purposes. |
reset_display_iso | n/a | reset_display_iso ok! | removes the swap and sets back the original board |
show_board_no_iso | n/a | Board (e.g. Qs Js 2h) | shows the original board set in the tree |
After applying set_display_iso
the solver will act effectively as if the original board has been swapped into a new one so all commands that output ranges like calc_ev, and take ranges as an input like
set_strategy etc. are affected.
also applies the specified swap sequence on the original board (so the client should call first 'show_board_no_iso' to be sure what is the correct sequence to reach desired board isomorphism)
Alternative EV models
The EV in a tree can be adjusted either with set_rake
or set_icm
It's not possible to use both at the same time.
Request | Arguments | Response format | Description | Possible errors |
set_rake | float int | set_range ok! | Sets rake in the tree. First argument is fraction of the final pot that is taken as a rake.Second argument is maximum rake taken. E.g. The following command sets 5% rake up to 10 chips set_rake 0.05 10 To turn off rake set_rake 0 0 | |
set_icm_point | OOP | IP int float | set_icm_point ok! | Sets ICM point for a given player. For a given final stack size in chips it sets the ICM value of this stack. The final stacks in chips should be stacks from ICM structure set with set_icm (one player can have higher starting stack than effective stack). | |
reset_icm_tables | n/a | reset_icm_tables ok! | clears all set icm points | |
set_icm | int int | set_icm ok! | numbers are player's stacks (OOP and IP). Smaller of these two numbers should be equal to effective stack. |
Setting strategies and node locking
Request | Arguments | Response format | Description | Possible errors |
eliminate_path | nodeID | eliminate_path ok! | Sets strategy to 0 for this action in specified line across all runouts. | |
lock_node | nodeID | lock_node ok! | Locks the strategy in given node for all hands. | |
unlock_node | nodeID | unlock_node ok! | Unlocks the strategy in a given node. | |
combo_lock_node | nodeID 1236 ints | combo_lock_node ok! | Locks the strategy in a given node for specified combos.Range argument should have 1 for hands that are meant to be locked and 0 for hands that are not supposed to be locked. | |
show_locked_combos | nodeID | 1326 numbers | 1 for locked hands 0 for not locked | |
set_strategy | nodeID N x 1326 floats | set_strategy ok! | Sets strategy in a given node. i-th out of N group of 1326 floats denotes strategy for the i-th child of a node (in the order returned by show_children). The numnbers for each combo should add to 1. If they don't the solver will adjust them so that they do. | |
set_equal_strats | n/a | set_equal_strats ok! | sets equal strategies in the whole tree. | |
set_mes | OOP | IP | set_mes ok! | sets most explotive strategy for a player in the whole tree. | |
round_up_to | OOP | IP int street | round_up_to ok! | E.g. round_up_to IP 5 flop Will round all strategies of an IP player in the tree on the flop to multiples of 1/5. round_up_to OOP 2 river Will round all strategies of an OOP player. |
Player profile modeling via incentives
Request | Arguments | Response format | Description |
set_incentives_node | nodeID N floats | set_incentives_node ok! | Sets EV incentives for N child actions in a specified node. |
set_incentives_line | nodeID N floats | set_incentives_line ok! | Sets EV incentives for N child actions in a specified node and all other nodes on the same betting lines, but different runouts. |
show_incentives | nodeID | N floats | Shows incentives in a specified node. |
clear_incentives | nodeID | clear_incentives ok! | Clears incentives in a specified node. |
Request | Arguments | Response format | Description | Possible errors |
skip_if_done | filename label | skip_if_done ok! | checks if a filename exists if yes, skips all the lines in the script until label is encountered | |
LABEL: | labelname | none | labels a place in the script; this is used by skip_if_done command above(remember to include a space after a colon and before the label name) |
Save / load / read files
Request | Arguments | Response format | Description | Possible errors |
load_tree | filename [full | fast | auto (default)] | load_tree ok! | Loads the tree from the content of the save file into memory. State.root points to this tree | i/o errors, file format error, out of memory |
dump_tree | Filename [full | no_turns | no_rivers ] | dump_tree ok! | saves current tree to disc; if optional argument is provided (no_turns or no_rivers)a small save will be made while the whole tree is preserved in memory. | |
free_tree | n/a | free_tree ok! | deletes current tree and frees the memory. | |
show_metadata | filename | (multiline) shows metadata about the specified save file | Without loading a tree it prints information ontains information from following commands:show_node r show_effective_stack show_range OOP r show_range IP r show_tree_info | |
show_save_version | filename | one line | tells if the save is a piosolver tree file and shows internal version number of save file. | |
load_all_nodes | n/a | load_all_nodes ok! | loads all remaining data of a tree loaded with "fast" option |
Different options of dumping / loading the tree
There are many ways to dump / load tree and depending if the tree is dumped as full or without later streets or if it's fully loaded or fast loaded different capabilities of solver are affected.
The way to check the mode in which the tree was loaded is to check the node flags on the r
See this example:
Qs Jh 2h
0 0 180
1 children
Here the flag INCOMPLETE_TREE indicates that the tree is either without rivers or without turns. FAST_LOAD flag indicates that the tree has been fast loaded. Fast load keeps the save file open and reads part of the file when they are needed on the fly.
Activating / deactivating licence
Request | Arguments | Response format | Description | Possible errors |
deactivate | filename label | Deactivation successful! | Deactivates licence and exits solver. |
If the program is not activated then the PioSolver will print only one line requesting user to provide a key.
Enter your activation key:
If the activation is successful the solver will print
ERROR code 0:
Activation ok!
and start normally.